Thursday, May 27, 2010


oooh life.. life has been keeping me oh so very busy lately..

i moved home for summer vacation about a week ago only and its been crazy non-stop.. i got here on friday and i was already back working on saturday! i've worked nearly everyday since i've been back, i already feel like ive been here for like 3 weeks!

ok.. so other than that let's see..
last night was the American Idol finale and my boy Lee DeWyze won!! (only because I voted for him like 600 times and i'm not even exaggerating).

i got my car fixed (from the car accident i was in about a month ago, i was rear ended)..
i keep saying i'm going to work out.. and i have yet too.. instead, today i made cookies... but in my defense it was pouring down rain so it was necessary..

tomorrow morning i am going to go get a long awaited messege! soo excited! ok. i'm blabbing... but let me just say life is insane and i have many more blogs on the way..

OH! ps.. 21st birthday plans for VEGAS are in the works. so excited. = ]

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