Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy List.

I love my life. I am so thankful for so many things, and right now I am in a very good place in my life and I have God, my family and my friends to thank for that.

1. Music.

2. Coffee.

3. Movies.

4. F.R.I.E.N.D.S

5. God

6. Church

7. my Mom

8. Amanda Noel

9. Maegan Murray

10. all the other people in my life that would take me days to list off..

11. Improv

12. Creativity

13. Target

14. Fall

15. Feel good conversations

16. Old friends

17. Having someone know you so well that you need not explain yourself

18. Having someone want to know you.. the real you.

19. Being ME, the real me, to my fullest and having the people around me love me for it.

20. Delta Zeta

I am a happy girl.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday DAD!!! = ]]]

I'm going home this weekend for football, bestfriend/mom/family time, and more football!

I can't wait.

Monday, September 19, 2011

i am caught in a desert..

right now.. I am hurt and broken, and God.. my family and friends, are what I have to cling to for strength..

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Like My Mother Does....

I seriously don't know what I'd do without my mom. She's one of my best friends in the world, I talk to her multiple times a day.. about anything and everything.. and I seriously don't know what I'd do without her. She's super woman.. and I only hope that I can be as good of a mom as she is when I become one.. I can't wait to see her next weekend. I love you mom.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

my Trying-to-stay-HAPPY list..

1. my sisters

2. Delta Zeta

3. THEATER (classes/showtunes/movies)

4. Maegan. Gail. Natalie. Emily.

5. my Mom (skyping!)

8. Target

9. thoughts of fall approaching (and yummy fall scented candles)

10. praying/talking to my Lord and Savior

Thursday, September 8, 2011

this week..

has been so so hard.

If you think about it, pray for me..

that's the only thing I can lean on right now.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

eye opening sonnets

Tonight I had a night class, a Shakespeare class.. the first one I've ever taken.. and right off the bat my thought was that the Professor looked like he was going to be serious and dull.. Boy was I wrong. Keeping a serious face the whole time, he was cracking jokes, and explaining several of Shakespeare's sonnets in a way that was super relavant and bringing me to conclusions I probably wouldn't have been able to come to on my own.. guess that's why he's the professor?

But then he said a few things that really hit home.. we were talking about the first 20 sonnets and we began discussing a sonnet that had a theme of stopping time.. and how no matter what we do, time will never stop.

He looked at us and said "everything you love.. everyone you love in the world.. is going away, you're going to lose.."

That really made me think. It made me sad. It made me think that I want to die before anyone else that I really care about so that I don't ever have to figure out how to live without them.. obviously this is very unrealistic.. but it was just a thought.

Right before he was going to let us out, about an hour early (yeah!) he said, "Everyone you love is an hour and ten minutes closer to death.. so why are you still sitting here?"

At that moment, I wanted to jump into my car.. and drive all the way home as fast as I could and jump into Thomas' arms.. and spend more time with my family..

Thankfully I only have to wait til Friday to do this.

I think this is going to be a good semester as far as classes go.