Monday, October 29, 2012

Camila's Cure!

It's been some time since I found out that my beautiful friend Camila was diagnosed with acute myloid leukemia. For a while, I couldn't really wrap my mind around it... I mean, she's 22 and she's perfect... until I was able to see her in the hospital, visit with her, and later spend more time with her once she was home for a bit. This lady has been a dear dear friend of mine for about 4 years now and I couldn't imagine life without her. I met her doing theater here in Monterey and we became very close through the experiences (she's taught me well). 
My prayers have been going out to her daily and now my mom has been holding donor drives and recruiting as many people as possible to be her possible bone marrow donor! 
Please pray for her healing and that we find her a match. She has kept her spirits and hopes high and we are all doing the same! 
Go to  Be The Match! (that's her direct link) to sign up and hopefully be her match! Her donor needs to be between the ages of 18-44 and a bi-racial mix of Mexican and Caucasian. 
 (Below: Camila and I on a recent trip to Tahoe! My family had planned a trip while she had coincidentally planned a trip with friends at the same time, for the same side of the lake, and we were staying in cabins 2 blocks from each other! Let's just say it was a great trip!)
 (Below: Camila and I in a production of RENT that we did at MPC! She played Mimi and if you know the show you know how amazing that is! That summer changed my life!)
 (Below: Camila, Casey and I after a show!)
 (Below: Camila, me and our other great friend Tara, at a New Year's Eve celebration at a local theatre!)
 (Below: Camila, Tara and I on our weekend trip to San Francisco for Camila's 21st birthday! That was a good time, let me tell you!)
This girl is my partner in crime! I love her so much and she has taught me so much about living! I pray for her health and strength every day. I want this girl back to being healthy so she can get back to her life as it should  be... on stage, singing and dancing and reeking havoc with me whenever we can find the chance! 

Team De La Llata!!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25th

Happy Birthday Maegan!!
Today is this lady's birthday! She is all the way over in Thailand right now so technically, for her, it was her birthday yesterday. But for me it's her day today, miss you lady! Wish I could celebrate with you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


this is another gem i stumbled upon online. 
if you haven't seen it, take some time and do it.. it made my heart smile. 


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Where do I begin?

It's been a while. (I will catch you up in several blog posts).
There's been so much going on.
Cheer, work, rehearsals (more on that later)... Casey visiting from Florida for a weekend.
Me going to LA to visit with Maegan before she left on her adventures in Thailand.
Everyday I've been working, going to practice, then rehearsal, then home.
Don't see too much of my family during the week... they are gone before I get up (or I only see them briefly on my way off to work), and they are already asleep once I'm home.
There's been a lot going on in my head... thoughts on life, my future, my life currently, ect. (more on that later).
But for now.. I'm sitting here, giving you the reader's digest, while I chat with my hammock dwelling friend in Thailand. = ]
(the fam at our usual Friday night football games!)

Monday, October 1, 2012


the Toro Bulls won 1st Place in our division at our competition!!
..which ALSO means we qualified for Nationals that will be happening at Disneyland in March!

These girls had energy and enthusiasm like I had never seen from them (and let me tell you, it was starting to worry me).. and when our music turned off about 3/4th's of the way through our routine and Maria and I had to yell their counts at them for the rest of the routine they recovered beautifully and the rest of the routine was just as good as the part they did with music. I was so proud I can't even tell you. 

This experience has been so rewarding. 
I have put a lot of time and energy into this and what's even better than seeing it all pay off is seeing the faces on my girls faces when they found out they won!

Happy 1st of October!!
