Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Where do I begin?

It's been a while. (I will catch you up in several blog posts).
There's been so much going on.
Cheer, work, rehearsals (more on that later)... Casey visiting from Florida for a weekend.
Me going to LA to visit with Maegan before she left on her adventures in Thailand.
Everyday I've been working, going to practice, then rehearsal, then home.
Don't see too much of my family during the week... they are gone before I get up (or I only see them briefly on my way off to work), and they are already asleep once I'm home.
There's been a lot going on in my head... thoughts on life, my future, my life currently, ect. (more on that later).
But for now.. I'm sitting here, giving you the reader's digest, while I chat with my hammock dwelling friend in Thailand. = ]
(the fam at our usual Friday night football games!)

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