Saturday, April 6, 2013


I start my first big girl job on Monday. I know this is silly, but I'm a little worried about how I am going to adjust to the Mon-Fri, 9-6 schedule. It's going to be weird at first I think. ALSO leaving Victoria's Secret is a crazy idea for me. There are lots of things happening. 

Marissa and I have started running. We are both trying to get in shape but let me tell you this girl is having to drag me along. I love hate running. If I was good at it I'd like it but it's never been easy for me. I've been enjoying it so far but MAN I am SORE! 

More things about my future (the near future at least) are starting to fall into place. I have been making plans and making things happen... one step at a time, I'll make this dream real.

That is all (for now).


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