Tuesday, January 11, 2011

this doesn't happen often..

wow.. i have yet to blog in 2011.. so here goes..

Christmas was insane!!
We had family (new and old) invading our house from the 23rd of December through the end of the year. It was alot of work on the part of my parents and our family but it was well worth it.

For all of Christmas break I have been working non-stop at VS and am sad about having to leave again in less than a week.

I have found that as much as I say I am going to blog, I find myself much better at following blogs than I am at keeping my own.

In the last 2 weeks my roommate from the DZ house and I decided that we wanted to move out and get our own apartment. So being that school was starting again in about 3 weeks at that point, if we wanted to make this happen, we were going to have to make it fast. So we did! We found a place, and we are moving in this weekend. Thank goodness my parents are going down there with me, and thank goodness my best friend AMANDA is going to help us get organized. I am very excited for this new experience.

I have been working alot on myself and my future lately, and decided to apply to be a camp counselor at the Christian summer camp I attended as a kid. I haven't heard back yet, but my fingers are crossed.

Umm...... ya know when you haven't talked to someone in a really long time and they want you to catch them up on everything thats been going on in your life but because its been soo long you feel like there is no way you could really tell them everything thats been happening so you just tell them that everything has been "great! just super busy" ??.. well thats how I feel about this blog.

Maybe this time i'll decide to keep up with it more often.. maybe. ; ]

Here's to 1/11/11 <3

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