Thursday, January 13, 2011

Insomnia turned good..

as i sat on my couch, trying to "wind down," watching old re-runs of "teen mom," i began to talk to a friend i haven't talked to much the whole time ive been home... he is a very strong Christian, and a very good friend.. and he always keeps me in check... as i talked to him.. i heard in my head, "go to your bed and read." so i did... i went into my room and i picked up a book my mom got me for christmas called "Revitalize your Spritual Life." i cracked it open. i turned my pandora on to the "hillsong united" station (i can't do anything in complete silence, not even read).. and as i opened the front cover i said a quick prayer, "God bless this book and the words inside it, i need it.." and off i went. now let me tell you, that was what i needed... between having a talk with Ben tonight... and reading, only the preface so far, of that book, i already feel good things happening... and let me tell you i am not in any way trying to toot my own horn because let me tell you i have been struggling, but i can tell you that God is good and has been showing himself to me more and more everyday.. all i had to do was ask... i was soo nervous about my "chit chat" im going to go have with my Pastor tomorrow... but now i feel ready, God knows whats up and He knows what He's doing with me... praise GOD!

here are a few quotes that spoke to me, already!, in this new book.. enjoy. goodnight. = ]

"What do you love? I asked, "What are your passions? If you could dream big or become anything, what would it be? Let's pray together, hear from God, get a plan, and work the plan."

"Don't let fear paralyze your heart."

"...I'm growing in his grace-- with a lot of help-- to be the woman God always wanted me to be."

(my favorite) -----> "The women of God get to dance. Inside the strength of his embrace, you can become the women you always wanted to be.. the one he dreamed of when he dreamed of you.

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