Tuesday, March 20, 2012

With Courage We Conquer

Hey Everyone! I know I haven't been writing that much but that's just how busy I've been. This semester has been beautiful and amazing and changing and insane. (With no signs of slowing down). This Saturday is Relay For Life on campus and my roommate Maegan is captaining a team. We, along with our sorority Delta Zeta, are going to be supporting this event and trying to raise as much money for it as we can. So please, please, take a moment to think about what your money would be going toward; cancer. Cancer effects all of us, whether it's a family member, a friend or a relative of a friend, it's there. We all need to remember this, remember the ones we've lost and hope and fight for those who are still fighting. Please, if you can, click on this link to donate. Type in either "DZ Fights Back" under Team Name, or "Maegan Murray" for a participant. Every dollar counts! 

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