Friday, May 4, 2012

can I make the next 20 days last for a semester?

I am really struggling with the fact that Maegan and I are graduating in 20 (well I guess now, 19) days...
(more on this later)
but I really want to cry. I have an excitement but more of a deep deep sadness that this time in my life is coming to an end. These last 3 years turned into so much more than I could have ever asked for. 
I have been so blessed.
(and, more on all this later)
but I really am upset.
I want to go back and do it all again.

This song from "Glee" (yes I am aware how cheesy this is) has really been feeling appropriate for how I feel about this time in my life before graduation, so it's kinda been on repeat with me...

"Here's to us, here's to love, all the times we messed up.
Here's to you fill the glass,
cuz the last few years have gone to fast.
So let's give 'em hell, wish everybody well,
here's to us, here's to us..."

Maegan and I also had our Delta Zeta Senior Send-Off on Monday night (again, more on this later) so we are now both officially alums. We both read letters to the chapter, attempted to say goodbyes, and cried. It was heart-wrenching.

Thankfully we are going to Palm Springs this weekend for a SAE Formal (Sigma Alpha Epsilon), so that will be a good long party!

(more to come on all this later, but for now, I need some shut eye).

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