Tuesday, May 8, 2012

diving in face first.

This semester has been absolutely insane. 
I've been juggling 4 English classes and a directing class.  
This directing class is what has really taken over my semester, it's been my main focus and has taken up most of my spare time. It's been a once a week FRIDAY class, from 11-4 (seems really long right? I wouldn't change it for anything).
This class already requires a lot from you; each (advanced) director (it's a combo class of beginning and advanced) had to direct an "exercise" scene, meaning "action," "rhythm," or "picturization" (we got to choose which), a contemporary scene, a Chekhov scene (if you don't know who this is, well, he's difficult), and a final scene... and this isn't including the peer reviews and show reviews we were required to write (which also meant we had to see the shows!), and we are also required to act in 3 different scenes. 

Man I felt a little overwhelmed just trying to list all that!
It's a very needy class, but I have to say, I think it's been my favorite class of my college career. 
 This class has pushed me, moved me, thrilled me, inspired me and made me. 
This class is what solidified my decision to follow my passion and go into this industry.
Since the beginning of the semester I kind of dove in face first and was in every scene anyone asked me to be in. I wanted to do as much as I could. There were a few weeks where I had multiple projects going up at once and it was very hectic. 
From what I can remember off the top of my head I  
directed an "action scene" with my friend Anthony,
went up in a very last minute contemporary scene for my friend Alex,
was a lion in my friend Kathy's action scene,
struggled with quick transitions in an original "action" scene written by my friend Jessica, 
played with rhythm and beats in "Sure Thing" by David Ives,
got to be a little silly (and eat a whole cucumber) in "Cherry Orchard," am still working on "Uncle Vanya" by Chekhov...
(stay with me, there's more)
I filmed 2 scenes for a CTVA class, one from "American Beauty" and the other was from the TV show "Greek"...
last week I got to tap into my inner bitch in "Fat Pig" by LaBute,
I'm a psychiatrist "Juvie" by McDonough,
and a "wet blacket" in "Hooters" by Tally...
(phew.. still following? I told you it was nuts)
and FINALLY I've directed "Autobahn" by LaBute, "Three Sisters" by Chekhov 
and my final scene "How I Learned to Drive." 
(Just to throw it out there, I wanted to document this so that I can remember for myself, and to share).

It's been absolutely insane, but amazingly beautiful.
My professor, Larry Biederman, has given me so much. I can't really explain it, but just by running this class and making it what it has been, I am eternally grateful. I have such a respect for him. 
This class has changed me. 
As it's end has been quickly approaching, my heart has been slowly breaking. 
I don't want this to end. 

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