Monday, December 10, 2012

oh hey, it's Christmas time!

With how crazy I've been working on non-related Christmas projects, I kinda forget that Christmas is in 15 days! Crazy talk... so in the spirit of me trying to get in the spirit... here ya go! = ]
Merry Christmas


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Maybe I just started work on "Legally Blonde"!
Maybe I am crazy excited about the role i'll be playing. I'm Serena! (Watch this video, she's the cheerleader with sunglasses on her head.. she's the second one that sings!)
Maybe this is the first time I've worked on 2 full blown productions at the same time.. "Spamalot" runs til December 23rd! We have 12 more shows! (Thank goodness! I am no where near ready to be done with this show!)
Maybe I am so happy with everything that's been happening with Pac Rep and my theatre career. 
Maybe I have a lot of decisions to be making soon.
Maybe I just want to focus on the holidays and these shows and think about these decisions after "Legally Blonde" closes. 
Maybe, regardless of what's been happening at work it doesn't really feel like Christmas is in 20 days. 
Maybe I've been trying harder to talk to Amanda (Jacobson), Amanda (Massingale), and Maegan more... usually when I am this busy it's hard for me to keep in touch with people.

Maybe I'm overjoyed and feel so blessed to be a part of these projects and to have a job that I really love,
Maybe it was nice to have a day off of work (where I wasn't sick) and could sleep in and get a lot of cleaning and laundry done. 
Maybe it's time to drink some tea and get ready for rehearsal!... = ]


Monday, December 3, 2012

Who's Clayton??

This week at the Golden Bough we had a benefit concert for the beautiful Camila on Monday and Tuesday night. There was music, friends, wine, auctions, dancing and laughter. It was an amazing experience. One of the acts that performed were two friends of Camila that she knows from Cal State Fullerton... they are in a band called "Who's Clayton"... little did I know what these boys had in store for us... they were brilliant.. 
Team de la Llata!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

"look at you reaching for the stars.." -stephen moorer

Recently blogging has been a thing that happens rarely, when I can find time and when I'm not trying to catch up on rest... but it's all for good reason. I have been working everyday, promotions are great, attending a two night benefit concert for a sweet friend (more on that later) and doing a show every Thursday-Sunday night.. it's called SPAMALOT and let me tell you, you want to see it! 
This show has been a blessed experience. I have been able to work with some of the most talented, genuine people I have every encountered and I feel so very lucky to be a part of this cast. There have been articles, commercials and talk around the towns of this show and I have to say, if you haven't seen you, you want to. We have all worked so hard and it shows in the product. I can't wait to work on my next project..... Legally Blonde, here I come.. ;)