Sunday, December 2, 2012

"look at you reaching for the stars.." -stephen moorer

Recently blogging has been a thing that happens rarely, when I can find time and when I'm not trying to catch up on rest... but it's all for good reason. I have been working everyday, promotions are great, attending a two night benefit concert for a sweet friend (more on that later) and doing a show every Thursday-Sunday night.. it's called SPAMALOT and let me tell you, you want to see it! 
This show has been a blessed experience. I have been able to work with some of the most talented, genuine people I have every encountered and I feel so very lucky to be a part of this cast. There have been articles, commercials and talk around the towns of this show and I have to say, if you haven't seen you, you want to. We have all worked so hard and it shows in the product. I can't wait to work on my next project..... Legally Blonde, here I come.. ;)

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