Thursday, October 6, 2011


Yesterday I woke up to the sound of rain! This is probably one of my favorite things, ever. I got all "cuddled" up for class, as much as I could at least, most/all of my fall clothes (including my UGGS) haven't made it here yet because I wasn't expecting this weather yet! So I wore a cozy new few thermal and borrowed a scarf from the roomie.

Anyway! For dinner, Gail and I went to Panera Bread (which I had never been too) and had yummy soup in a bread bowl! It was the perfect dinner for the weather.

I also decided to get a coffee and was soo soo excited when I told them I was eating there and they asked me if I wanted it in a paper cup or a mug, so I got it in a mug! Not only is this very "green" of them, but I also got to enjoy my super yummy coffee in a huge mug! (and being that I've been watching a ton of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and they always drink their coffee at the coffee shop in mugs, I was loving this!)
Hope everyone is enjoying this weather! Happy Fall!

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