Saturday, February 25, 2012

it must be my last semester of college... maybe

I know it has been far too long since I've blogged but things have been insane and there has been so much going on that I haven't even been able to think of a way to condense what I've been doing into blog posts.. Here are some "maybe's" of the crazy world that has been my life lately..

Maybe I've been going to all my classes (gasp!)
Maybe my directing class is rocking my world (i've already directed 2 scenes and been in a few and just got cast in 2 more with another one of my own on the way)
Maybe I've been watching an adorable little boy every Wednesday for a little extra cash
Maybe I've been spending quite a bit of time with some good friends with the breaks of time I have
Maybe the idea of being done with college in less than 4 moths is freaking me out and making me really sad all at once
Maybe I will have seen the on campus show Life is a Dream a total of 3 times by the end of it's run (more to come on this later)
Maybe I've been trying to stay on top of or ahead (or at least on schedule) with all my writing I have to do this semester
Maybe I cried to Maegan last night about the passion I have for theatre and how it kills me everyday that it's not my major
Maybe I'm a little overwhelmed but my heart is so full I don't want this time in my life to end..

Monday, February 13, 2012

a feel good sound

"Hush, now, let's go quiet to the park, where it first started. Cold night, us lying in the dark, I felt my heart was trying to find a place for you to stay, a place where I'd feel safe. Anything we have know, anything we've forgotten, in the rain, in the dark we'll lay. In your arms, in your arms I'll stay." 
Kina Grannis is an artist my roommate introduced me to this week. I haven't explored too much of her work, but from what I can tell, she is brilliant. This amazing young lady made her way into the music world via youtube! I absolutely adore the feel of her music and love even more how she sounds exactly the same live as she does in studio. Check her out! This girl is going to be give Colbie Caillat a run for money. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

for my best friend.

This video clip from "Dear John" reminds me so much of my best friend Amanda Noel and her fiance James. 
For the majority of this 5 year relationship Amanda and James have been in a long distance relationship. They even experienced a deployment together since James is in the Army. 
I am incredibly happy for these 2. The relationship that I witness and hear about between the 2 of them is something I look up to. James treats Amanda like she is the most important thing in his world and I think that's beautiful. 
I have witnessed and heard of so many times where that exact image (from the video) of the laughing and playing together and then the focus turns to the uniform... it is so much a symbol for the relationship Amanda and James have had... short visits, that are few and far between and communicating any way they can otherwise. 
But they love each other, they are the most in love I have ever seen them after 5 years and they're engaged. Words cannot describe how happy I am for Amanda. I can't even articulate how happy I am that she and James have made it through everything and now they can finally really be together. I am ecstatic. I love her so much. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

a Thursday evening "Happy List"

This semester has already been crazy. I have 5 classes... and a ton of stuff to take care of. Spring recruitment for Delta Zeta has been going on this week. Things have just been nuts. So I decided to do an almost weekend happy list!
1. long talks with new friends!
2. watching little ones (I gained 2 babysitting gigs in the last week).
3. country music.
4. Theatre. Theatre. Theatre. 
5. knowing graduation in only a little over 3 months away..
6. holding on to every moment I have until then.
7. daydreaming about the near feature.
8. pretty weather.
9. a cozy bed.
10. coffee. coffee. coffee.