Saturday, February 11, 2012

for my best friend.

This video clip from "Dear John" reminds me so much of my best friend Amanda Noel and her fiance James. 
For the majority of this 5 year relationship Amanda and James have been in a long distance relationship. They even experienced a deployment together since James is in the Army. 
I am incredibly happy for these 2. The relationship that I witness and hear about between the 2 of them is something I look up to. James treats Amanda like she is the most important thing in his world and I think that's beautiful. 
I have witnessed and heard of so many times where that exact image (from the video) of the laughing and playing together and then the focus turns to the uniform... it is so much a symbol for the relationship Amanda and James have had... short visits, that are few and far between and communicating any way they can otherwise. 
But they love each other, they are the most in love I have ever seen them after 5 years and they're engaged. Words cannot describe how happy I am for Amanda. I can't even articulate how happy I am that she and James have made it through everything and now they can finally really be together. I am ecstatic. I love her so much. 

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