Sunday, April 15, 2012

food for thought...

I don't really know how to talk about this and have it be cohesive, so just know this is kind of just my stream of consciousness... 
The song in the clip I added above is a song from "Titanic." For me when I hear this song, most (if not all) of the overwhelming emotions this movie makes me experience come rushing back... just from hearing it... 
This song is absolutely gorgeous, as is the movie... but I what I found interesting was that the title of this song is "Never an Absolution." Now the definition for "absolution" is the one I have showing below... based on it's meaning, it gave me an interesting feeling toward the title of the song. It made me think about how unforgiving this tragedy was, and how the title is meant to be saying "Never a freeing from guilt or blame"... and this is basically one of the title songs of this movie... I just thought it gave an interesting meaning to it... what do you think?


  [ab-suh-loo-shuhn]  Show IPA
act of absolving; a freeing from blame or guilt; release fromconsequences, obligations, or penalties.
state of being absolved.

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