Sunday, April 29, 2012

that cliche "another chapter coming to an end" feeling...

(Pictures in no particular order). I can't believe that this time in my life is actually coming to an end and happening all at the same time... I can't believe my college experience is ending and that I will be moving forward into the real world... I don't think I ever thought this time would actually happen. It's a really strange feeling. 
 The experiences I've had and the friends I've made, I wouldn't trade for anything. I love that for this last year we have lived only two doors down from our good friends Keifer and Kinkaid. (below is Keifer and I, we love each other). 
 Tonight I have to write my farewell letter to the chapter and I have no idea what I'm going to say or where I would even start. This has been a huge part of my college experience since I moved down to Northridge. I honestly don't know what I would have done if I hadn't rushed... I wouldn't have met Maegan, or my littles Amanda and Justine, or any of my other amazing sisters and all the awesome guys I've met through the Greek System. I honestly cannot image my time here without them. 

 Gail has been a another huge part of my life here. She is a sorority sister, a fellow theatre "major" (except she actually is a major), and an amazing friend. 
 (Maegan and I circa Spring 2011) 
 (Me and my "Alpha" Littles, Amanda and Melissa circa Fall 2010)
 (This is the first picture Maegan and I ever took together, I cannot even believe how different we look, it's insane... this feels like it was 5 years ago, and only 2 months ago all at once... man time flies)
When I first moved here to go to school I never in a million years would have thought that I would end up falling in love with it. That entire first year living in the dorms was torture. The second semester was better after I got dumped and decided to rush. Than the next fall living in the DZ house with Maegan was where college really felt like it started. 
Which is why sometimes I feel a little cheated of my time here... because I only really had 2 real years of what really felt like what college was supposed to feel like. I also haven't been in a show in all my time here. The parts just haven't been 100% right for me, I've auditioned and gotten called back but the part has gone to the better suited girl, and that's okay! That's what happens in theatre, so I understand, it just would have been nice, and I've been itching to get back on stage. It's been a really long 2 years since "RENT." (This is also why I have taken it upon myself to be in as many in-class scenes as I possibly can via the directing class, because I need to be acting). 
I already feel like this song from "Avenue Q," "I wish I could go back to college," and I haven't even graduated. I just want to make this last few weeks stretch on longer... I do not want my directing class to be over, I love being with those people and our professor and just watching and working through scene after scene and talking about them and acting in as many as I have, and learning as much as I have, this class has been by far one of my favorite classes I've ever taken at CSUN. 
I'm not ready to be done.

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