Saturday, March 20, 2010


There is nothing like home.

This weekend I was able to go home.. and let me tell you.. I NEEDED IT.

Since getting here yesterday night, I've had a home cooked mommy meal, with the entire family present. T.V. time. Time to make yummy desserts with my mom (key lime pie and a grasshopper pie type thing). An amazing night of sleep in my OWN bed. A mani/pedi sesh with my mom. AND a delicious St. Patrick's Day dinner with my family and grandparents. It has been exactly what I needed.

Since moving I have come to love Salinas/Monterey in a way I never thought I would. Don't get me wrong I've always loved it... but now.. it means so much more to me. I literally rolled down all the windows in my car and was cheering when I was driving down the beautiful sunny street to my house.

I cannot wait to be home for Spring Break.. in about 2 weeks... then home for the summer in less than 2 weeks!! Home is where my heart is.

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