Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Long productive COLLEGE day.

Today was a super long day.

I woke up at.... oh man.. I just sat back to remember back to this morning and it felt like a very distant memory.
I went to class this morning, then came back to my dorm and did some homework (and online shopping), then I had to get ready and PREPARED for the interview I had to conduct with a professor for a class piece.
After the interview, that went very well (it was with a teacher I had last semester who I really really liked), I had about an hour to do more research for another class.. change.. pack food.. and head off to work! 6-CLOSE! oy..

Work went by surprisingly fast. I worked registers but MAN did my feet hurt by the end of my shift.

Now here's the part where one would think that would be the end of my day, right? WRONG.
Once I got off work, around 10:30, I had to head over to work on a group project for my improv class. At this point my brain was having trouble contributing to this group effort.. but I wasn't alone in this. My other group mates were feeling about the same way, but of course because of our crazy lives this was the only time we could ALL meet. So we worked on our project, got it mostly figured out.. by around midnight..

So now here I am.. doing, yet some more last minute research and getting ready to slumber. Thank goodness tomorrow will be a little less insane.. but only a little. Such is the life of a college kid.

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