Today at 4 am, my little brother Casey went off to the airport with my mom to move to Florida. He is going to be attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. This kid got his pilots license last summer and has been flying as much as he could ever since then. Now he's off to Florida to complete his BA in Aeronautical Science before joining the Marines, and spending a good deal of the rest of his life in the sky. I am so beyond proud of this goofball. He is going to do great.
For the last year(ish), I was only there last summer, winter break and then again this summer, Casey and I worked together at Victoria's Secret in Monterey.. and as silly as it sounds, those have been some of my favorite times in the past year with Casey. My brother is HILARIOUS. He cracks me up so much, and I was always super excited when I got to work with him.

On Sunday we had a going away party for him where soooo many people showed up to see this kid off. This cake that we had made for him made me so happy. The picture on the cake is of Casey on his 1st birthday (I believe) on an airplane teeter totter he got for his birthday. For as long as I can remember this boy has wanted to fly airplanes, and this picture just warms my heart.

Time has been flying by like crazy lately. Look at this picture (below)... my TINY little brother, Cameron, who is 13, is basically the same height as me!! What is going on in the world?? I'm 9 years older than him and we are the same height??!... Ugh..

Casey leaving makes me sad not just because I wont see him until Thanksgiving.. but because I know between him finishing up at ERAU and then joining the Marines... He wont ever live here again.. or at least not at home... and as soon as I'm done with school I wont live at home very much longer either.. which means.. the days of the 3 Walker children all living under the same roof are basically over... and that makes me really really sad. It also means that I have to get used to the idea that I wont see Casey much more than on holidays... last time I checked I was 9, Casey was 7 and Cameron just entered this world!! *sigh*..

I have the coolest family in the world. Not gunna lie... we are all pretty funny.. and get us all around the same dinner table.. and you will be dying!

I'm hoping that at some point while Casey is in Florida our family will take a trip to Disneyworld.. we have always talked about going.. but now that Casey will already be there, it's even more of an excuse to go!

I swear this kid just graduated high school last week.. (it was more like June of '09, but still)

I just feel so blessed to have such an amazing, supportive family. I am so proud of BOTH of my brothers and wouldn't be anywhere if it wasn't for my parents. I thank God everyday for blessing me with them. I love my family. Good luck at ERAU Casey.. we are all rooting for you and will miss you so much.. See you when I see you! (Thanksgiving.)
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