Monday, September 3, 2012


Dear Maegan, 
Thank you for coming to see me this weekend. I needed that.

Dear weekend,
I'm really happy I was able to have you off from work.

Dear San Francisco,
You are fantastic. It was so great to show you to Maegan for the first time... living in (or around) your city is a definite goal for the near future. 

Dear Camila,
I loved that I was able to visit you this weekend. You are beautiful and strong and I am praying every day for fast healing and recovery of your body! (Can't wait for us to be able to get back to some shenanigans). 

Dear toe,
I know I hurt you really bad at work... but I would really like you to heal so I can put you back in a shoe and start running again. 

Dear competition choreography,
You are proving yourself to be a tad more difficult than I thought you would be... ok, who am I kidding.. I knew this was going to be a challenge! (but I'm enjoying trying to figure it all out).

Dear apartment (Box 2.0),
Boy do I miss you... 
and the space (my own space) that you gave me... I need that back.

That is all... for now.

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