Sunday, September 16, 2012


Lately I've been feeling a little like this...

I miss living with my sister.
I miss having my own space.
I miss my best friend.

I want to make money.
I want to travel.
I want to do theatre.
I want to get my credentials.
I want to move to San Francisco with Maegan.
 (this lovely, Russie, is moving up to the city today! I want to go with her.)
I've had the pleasure of working with Russie for the past few years and I've loved our time together at work... and outside of work :) I am going to miss her so. 

Because I've been feeling so funky I decided to do a short "happy list" to brighten things up...

My girls. Being a cheer coach has been great. I love these little girls.
My  job. I get to go to work, spend time with people I love and sell I product I'm obsessed with, I'm lucky.
Theatre. I am beyond excited to be starting work on another show! It's been far too long since I've been on stage. I can't wait to dance again!
It's starting to feel like fall and I am sooo looking forward to this season.
annnd... Football!! as silly as it sounds I have been watching a ton of football and it makes me so happy. 

are you having a good weekend lovelies?
tell me about it.


1 comment:

  1. I miss you too and now I'm going to write a happy list inspired by you!
