Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dear Lord...

I talk to God multiple times a day... I recently discovered that keeping an open dialogue with the big man upstairs is the best way to go. Usually when I talk to God, throughout the day, it tends to be about me, or things going on in my life... but lately, there's been so much going on in this world, that it's almost been overwhelming thinking about all the things I should be talking to Him about. This world has a lot of hurt and devastation happening right now... death, sickness and natural disasters are everywhere. 

Tonight, God, I want to ask you to bring peace, comfort and strength to everyone who have been effected by the tornado in Oklahoma. I want to ask that you keep a hand on the first responder's that have been out there since it happened, and that you hug those that are hurting. I want to ask again that you bring peace, closure and clarity to the Sobiech family, who lost Zach yesterday. 

I have people that are close to me in my life that are sick, or hurting, or need some extra love... (I don't want to put their personal information on my blog, that's not my place), but You know who they are. Please, bless them with what they need.

I have had an overwhelming feeling lately to be constantly thanking God for all of the blessings in my life. Sometimes I get upset when I feel like I'm not doing enough, or not making enough money, or that things aren't happening fast enough for me. I have to remind myself that my cup is over flowing with the blessings I have in my life. I know that God has a very specific plan for me, He's revealed it to me. I know what I'm supposed to be doing... He has been preparing my heart, I can feel it. I also know that God is tricky, and when He asks you to be patient, BOY are you going to be challenged to be patient. I just need to rely on my faith and the love I know God has for me. He is a powerful God, that I fear. I know good things are coming soon, and when they do, all the waiting will be proven worth it, and I will be ready. 

In Jesus' name. = ]


Today I made myself a website.

I've been thinking and debating about making myself a website for a while now...
Thinking, do I have enough of a reason to make one?
do I have enough stuff to put on a website?
should I wait til I have more "legit" work to list on it?

Then Marissa told me what one of her friends she's worked with had told her,
"If I can't Google you, you don't matter." 

Now, I'm still figuring out how to make it so this site pops up when you Google my name (anyone know how that works??), but it's in the works.

Either way, I decided I wanted to make myself an official website with the credentials I have thus far and will change said information as things change! So for now, here is my website! 
(It will be ever changing to match my life). Let me know what you think!


"You don't have to find out you're dying to start living." -Zach Sobiech

I saw this video on my Facebook news feed and I knew right away it would make me cry. After having watched it, and knowing that this amazing man just passed away yesterday is a surreal feeling. 

Technology and social media has given us a lot of things... good and bad. But when I see things like this, and get to hear stories of the amazing, courageous and brave people and families that are in this world, I'm happy that I have things like YouTube. 

I can't imagine going through any of the things this family has gone through. I don't even really know how to feel after watching this... but I do know, now, that the world lost a warm and uplifting soul yesterday. 

Watch these video's... they will forever change your perspective of quality of life. 
Zach, you have blown me away. 
Sobiech family, I am sending all my love and prayers, prayers of comfort and peace, from over here in CA.


Monday, May 6, 2013

"Summer" reading list

So you see, I don't think reading is boring at all. In fact, I think it's fantastic, but for some reason, it's hard for me. I'm a super slow reader and makes me really sleepy. When I was little, I had a lot of trouble sleeping at night, I was given a ton of different suggestions from my mom and dad on how to make myself fall asleep.. one of them being to read. It worked... but the downfall to that was that now it's hard for me to read for long periods of time without needing a nap after or yawning my way through the pages. I am also a social butterfly and a TV junkie (unfortunately) so finding time to set aside and read tends to be something that slips my mind when I have free time. But this summer I want to change that. I have so many books I want to read and I just need to buckle down and read them!

Here they are (cross your fingers I get to most of them):

"Safe Haven" by Nicolas Sparks (in progress)
"Fawlty Towers" by John Cleese and Connie Booth
"Jitterbug Perfume" by Tom Robbins
"Mercy" by Jodi Picoult 
"You Can Act" by D.W. Browne 
