Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today I made myself a website.

I've been thinking and debating about making myself a website for a while now...
Thinking, do I have enough of a reason to make one?
do I have enough stuff to put on a website?
should I wait til I have more "legit" work to list on it?

Then Marissa told me what one of her friends she's worked with had told her,
"If I can't Google you, you don't matter." 

Now, I'm still figuring out how to make it so this site pops up when you Google my name (anyone know how that works??), but it's in the works.

Either way, I decided I wanted to make myself an official website with the credentials I have thus far and will change said information as things change! So for now, here is my website! 
(It will be ever changing to match my life). Let me know what you think!


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