Friday, July 8, 2011


Maybe I stole this idea from my best friend.

Maybe I haven't blogged in far too long.

Maybe I went to a family reunion in Texas/Mexico that was exciting but very tiring.

Maybe I had to register for my classes while in Texas... payed for them with financial aid when I got back.. and now maybe i'm seeing fall semester approaching fast..

Maybe I've been working every day since I got back.

Maybe I cannot wait to be at the lake this weekend and next.

Maybe recent events have reminded me that one of my greatest fears in life is losing the ones closest to me.

Maybe my amazing roommate has found us an amazing apartment for this fall that I am quite excited about, and maybe I miss her terribly.

Maybe I'm starting to think this summer is kinda going by fast.. but maybe i'm very grateful for all the time i've been getting with the boy.

Maybe I'm extremely excited to see my best friend this week.

Maybe country music has been my sanity this week.

Maybe all i've been wanting to do lately is fast forward... maybe..

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