Friday, June 3, 2011

Another random thought..

While driving around in Spreckles the other day with Gail and Nat, we stumbled upon this house! Now you see, Spreckles has lots of adorable little houses similar to this one, but for whatever reason, this one caught my eye. I would love one day to have a house similar to this one. One with just enough rooms for everyone in my family, with a white kitchen,
a family room, and maybe and office or a game room. More so than those physical accommodations, I want it to be filled with a loving husband, beautiful children, a puppy (or two), the joy and love of God, and lots of extended family and friends that are always around and welcome to fill our home and lives with happiness. One day I will have these things, but until then, I like to just daydream about the time that I will.

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