it's time to grow up. to start treating my life and living my life the way an adult would. don't get me wrong, i'm not going to lose my "ballgown wearing, swaying to the music, free spirited" persona, i'm just going to start being more responsible. i also want to start exploring and expressing more of all of the layers of my personality that i'm beginning to discover that i have. it's hard to explain i guess, but in the fall when i go back to school, i want things to be different. i want to explore what it's like to live on my own, but not treat it as though i'm at a semester long summer camp where i kinda let things get out of hand. i want to create a routine for myself. waking up at the same time everyday, regardless of when my class starts that day.. i want to get up and eat breakfast everymorning (it's the most important meal of the day, and for me, also the most skipped). i want to go to my classes, come home, have a legit time in everyday where i sit down at the table and do. my. homework., than i want to cook myself (and maegan) dinner. i want to have a dinner time! when i'm at home, everyday around the same time we sit down and eat, when i'm at school this doesn't usually happen and my eating schedule is all messed up.. and than i want to hang out for a little, read or watch a movie, or whatever, than go to bed. routine.
i also want to start really surrounding myself with the things that make me happy, make me feel good about what i'm doing with my life and who i am. i know it sounds silly and like such a small thing, but i want to have REAL plants in my apartment, ones that grow, ones that i water, and ones that, depending on what they are, smell good! i want to have more candles everywhere! i want to put more pictures up on the walls and have colorful pictures or artwork of somekind surrounding me.. it makes me feel good and i think it's actually good for your soul.
i want to recycle! i want to be resourceful! i want to use less "one time use" things, like zip lock bags, paper towels and plastic bottles... and when i do use plastic, i want to recycle it! i want to start eating, cooking and living much healthier! when i do this, i always feel so much better, my body and my energy! i want to keep my (and maegan's) space clean and pretty! i don't want to make excuses for having messes everywhere and dishes in the sink when people come over because there aren't excuses.
it's time to grow up... but not lose "me".. just enhance it in a different way. i'm looking forward to this, i think it's going to be a good thing.
I'm proud of you love! And I say that with the utmost sincerity!