Friday, June 17, 2011

Benefit Dinner!

This has been a crazy week to say the least friends.

I've been working almost everyday and they 2 that I didn't were due to catching a bit of the flu bug that has evidentally been making it's way around Victoria's Secret. (Yeah for co-workers who share! haha) So now i'm finally having a second to breath, I have the rest of the night off (going to see "Little Shop of Horrors" with my good friend Camila) and have all day tomorrow off for church and Father's day festivities.

So here's what I did on Thursday night!

I went to a benefit/fundraiser with Thomas at the Rodeo grounds in Salinas. It was for an up and coming non-profit called the "Helping Hands Foundation of Monterey County." They raise money for locals who need a little help hear and there with medial needs. (ie: needing a wheelchair and cant pay for it, doing repairs for local rehab centers, helping to pay for some medicines, etc.) It was a really cool thing to help support actually! I didn't even know it exsisted until that night!

Prior to the event, and I mean JUST prior, like a few hours before, I got my first EVER pair of cowboy boots to wear to the event! These are REAL cowboy boots, not Target or Macys immitation boots, these were purchased at boot barn! They are beautiful and comfy and I love them! Anyway, back to the event.

There was an open bar, so yes.. a drink or two was consumed, but we were dropped-off and picked-up, and we had some delicious bbq! We had steak (suuuppppperrrr yummy), beans, salad and bread! It was quite delicious.

This was a very cute little home town event at which I felt very grown up. We, with the exception of about 4 of Thomas' friends, were the youngest people there by about 10 years at least. There were silent and live auction items, Thomas bid on one for a gift certificate to go golfing, which he got (which again made me feel OLD), and raffles that went on during the night. There were also 3 cute old men playing country music all night. But they were splitting into some pretty impressive 3-part harmonies that I quite enjoyed! = ]

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