Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 13

:your 5 favorite books and why

So, like I wrote on Day 4, I do not read nearly as much as I wish I did. But I will do my best to write about 5 books.. here goes..

1) "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks. This was a book that I bought and decided to read a little over a year ago. I had heard that it was going to be coming out as a movie with Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum and knew that I was going to HAVE to see it. So I bought the book and sat down to read it. I loved it! I cried my eyes out, I wished for a love like theirs, and I was pissed at the ending. This was also the first time that I got to experience what avid "Harry Potter" readers experience every time they see one of the movies that come out and say that it was no where near as good as the book. The movie was NO WHERE near as good as the book. They changed lots of things, but it still made me cry my eyes out.

2) "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks. This, much like "Dear John" was a book that I bought and decided to read after finding out that it was going to be turned into a movie with Miley Cyrus. This book was also, very good. It was super sad too. It had a younger feel than "Dear John" and reminded me of my relationship along with others that I saw in high school. This one though, I almost liked the movie better. Granted I can't watch it without becoming hysterical, but I still really like it.

3) "Mommywood" by Tori Spelling. Don't laugh. This is such a cute book! This was my "laying out" book of my first semester here. When I lived in the dorms, Amanda would come over occasionally, and we would lay out, super amazing and relaxing might I add, and she would read whatever book she was working on and I would crack open "Mommywood." From watching Tori on her tv show, I could picture the way that she was talking as I read through her anecdotes of being a mommy. Super cute book, so good that Amanda borrowed it when I was done.

4 and 5) I'm not going to lie, other than the first 3 books I already wrote about, I can't think of a book that I have read in the last few years that I have really loved. I DO NOT read enough, it's embarrassing, really, and it needs to change. I'm pretty positive that my 4 and 5 entry for this blog, if I had already read them, would be "Uncharted TerriTORI" by Tori Spelling and "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks. I own these two books already, and just need to sit my butt down and read them. I'm going to read "The Lucky One" first because, like the other 2 Nicholas Sparks novels I recently read, I have heard that it is being turned into a movie with ZAC EFRON. So I need to get on this asap.

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