Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Best Friend Weekend!

This weekend has already proven itself to be quite lovely.

On Thursday night after my night class I drove to Long Beach for some much needed best friend time. When I got there, we ate than went out on 2nd street (a cute street with bars and shops in LB). We went to a cute little pub and drank some beer and had some good catch up time.

Then in the morning we laid out by the pool in an effort to kick start our summer tans.

It was good fun!

Than last night, Maegan and I went to USC to stay with her best friend Melody.

We again just hung out with her and some of her friends at her apartment and ended the night with "Harry Potter," always a good choice.

On the way home from USC this morning, Maegan and I got to talking about our experiences and many adventures as roommates.

This girl in a short year has become my sister, and not just meaning my sorority sister, like my legitamate sister. We have had so many amazing times.

Because she and I both talk so dang much we literally feel like we've known eachother forever because all we've ever done in conversation is tell eachother stories about our whole lives! She knows almost EVERYTHING about my past. I can make a reference to a certain person or event and there is a 97% chance she will know what I'm talking about.

I have a year left down here in Northridge and I refuse to live with anyone else!

I can't!

I can't imagine living somewhere down here without here... I don't even think I could handle having a seperate room from her! I love her oh so much!

Some of the other stuff we were talking about was how amazing of a time in our lives this is right now! Never again in our lives will we have it this "easy." She and I are both so free-spirited and all about making memories. I could not be happier with the place in my life I'm at right now.

(Maegan and I spend a lot of time recapping our lives since we've met... and the things we have to talk about all make me very happy).

"I want to live my life based on the stories I want to be able to tell.." "I don't. regret. a THING!"


Happy Weekend!!

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