Saturday, April 30, 2011


Lately Maegan and I have been reliving our "youth" (more like late elementary/middle school years) by listening to lots of *NSYNC, Britney Spears and the occassional Backstreet Boys tune. We have been having discussions about just how big Britney really was... and how badly, when you were that age, you wanted to BE her!

You wanted her hair! Her clothes! Her dance moves.. and of course, her boyfriend! (who was Justin Timberlake at the time). She was an icon, and she still is! Princess of POP!

We even watched "Crossroads" the other day... boy did that movie want to make you want to run away on a roadtrip with your friends.

Britney has recently made, yet another, comeback and although her music has had to evolve with the times, she is still Britney.

This music just never gets old.

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