Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dear Professor,

OK Mr. Professor.
This is super frustrating and not ok.

Today in my class we had a paper due and a test.
The paper was just silly... 500 words of busy work.

But the test? NOT OK.
He tells us to just study the stuff that's been posted online and that we can use the notes on the test and then you get in there, thinking your prepared(ish) and than NOTHING of what he told us to study was even on the test!

That was awful.

Probably one of the worst test I've ever taken.
Luckily, kinda, the whole class feels the same way, so at least i'm not alone in the frustration.

On a happier note.
Today after my night class I'm going to Long Beach to see Amanda Noel and her man friend!
Then tomorrow my class got canceled so I'll be home wayyy earlier than I thought and will be ready to celebrate Easter with my family and Thomas' birthday with him, which is today!
soo... Happy Birthday Thomas!!
(you're so old!!)

Happy (almost) weekend.

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