Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Days Go By..

I don't know if I've ever really done a blog "dedicated" to Amanda Noel, and when this picture (taken around freshman year of high school, I believe) surfaced on facebook yesterday, I figured now was the time!

I have known Amanda for as long as it's possible to know a person in their life... so whatever age it is that you start meeting other people your age and remembering who they are, that's how long i've known Amanda... soooooo 21 years roughly? I will be totally honest, as would she if you asked her, and say that I wasn't too fond of her when I was younger (when I was in elementary school I would say), couldn't tell you why, just wasn't.. but around middle school when I started going to youth group we started hanging out... and we have (more or less, it's a long story) been best friends ever since. This girl has been through EVERYTHING with me! Whether she was acutally there, or involved she definitely heard about everything and "talked" me through everything. This girl knows my WHOLE life. She knows my past, my present and my hopes and dreams for the future. She puts up with my crap and has accepted me for the crazy, out of control, free-spirited, (at times) irresponsible young lady I am.

She is my sister. I don't know where I would be today without her! I don't think I would have stayed in LA without her.. and I definitely wouldn't have made it anywhere near surviving my first year away from home without her. I love this girl to death. She's one of the strongest, smartest, most beautiful, Christian ladies I know. She keeps me in check and has a work ethic and maturity level that I aspire to achieve myself. I love her.

So, Amanda Noel, thank you for being around for... my whole life! I love you. I'm so excited for you! Finishing college and starting another insane chapter of your life, and i'm very excited to be right next to you for the whole thing! We're growing up and going to be doing all those crazy grown-up things and I'm so happy to experience all of them with you!! = ]]]

This isn't entirely current, but you get the idea. We've changed a lot since that first picture!

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