Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's silly... happy I am.

Now... I don't know if I should be blabbing to the world about how giddy I am, or how smitten I am.. but I feel like I need to say something.

There's a country boy in my life, who more or less, came out of left field (even though I've known him for 6 years), and other than an act of God, I'm not exactly sure how to explain how it came about... but i'm very happy it did.

"She's too cute to get on my last nerve,

the way she throws her little fits.

Pokin' out her lip and bitin' mine when we kiss.

There aint a fight that she can't win.

That's my baby,

and she's my kinda crazy."

-the boy

(via Brantley Gilbert)

This boy takes care of me, keeps me in check, and puts up with all my b.s.

He even surprised me this last Friday when he came with my parents to LA to move me out of my apartment, and being that I hadn't seen him in a month, I was quite happy to see him.

ok. I could go on for days, but I won't... I think you get the point.

I'm a very happy girl.

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