Sunday, May 1, 2011

(Part of) my bucket list..

well... since I'm up.. and what's been keeping me from falling back to sleep is all the "lists" that have been running through my head, I figured I'd post on an exciting, not so stressful list..

The Buried Life guys ask at the beginning of each of their episodes,

"What do YOU want to do before you die?"

well... lots of things!

I'm just going to go off the cuff and list some things that I KNOW I want to do before I kick the bucket.

1. (recently added) complete a full marathon

2. (inspired by my Little, Melissa) do a mud run!

3. work in an orphanage in Africa (try not to bring all the children home with me)

4. go to Mardi Gras

5. go to all 7 continents

6. live in New York

7. perform on Broadway

8. go on a backpacking trip through Europe

9. go to Graceland!!

10. go to North Carolina

(and see the beaches that look like the ones in "Dear John" and "the Last Song")

11. become a teacher (high school English, to be exact)

12. be a momma (as good as mine)

13. have a marriage as amazing as my parents

14. sing kareoke in a hole-in-the-wall bar somewhere in the south

15. fly in a plane piloted by my brother

16. fly in my grandpa's P51 mustang

17. go on a date to a drive-in movie

18. meet the President (whoever that may be when the opportunity presents itself)

19. go to a town as small as the one Carrie Underwood grew up in (population 3,400... to put that in perspective, my "small town" has a population of 150,000)!!

20. go to Stagecouch!

ok, now I'm having to think too hard to add to the list... but those are some of them for starters!

I'm noticing a lot of them have to do with traveling, I feel like I haven't been ANYWHERE!

That is all.

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