Wednesday, May 11, 2011

head in the clouds.

today i feel very distracted.
i crossed another class off my list (TH108M), so i'm done with that...
my to-do list is getting shorter and shorter:
1 more paper (getting knocked out tonight)
an audition (in a few hours)
and 3 more finals
(one is open note, one is an in-class paper, and the other is just a regular test)..
and of course, packing the apartment (which Amanda is going to help me with tomorrow).

but right now, all i can think about is summer... and being home..
and not gunna lie... i'm thinking a lot about the boy, and spending time with him.
he's currently at my little brother's baseball game, he's so great for going out to support him... and i know my mom and dad are there and i wish i was too.
i've been all giddy and shakey and weird and distracted all day... ugh
don't get me wrong, i'm very happy, just distracted and anxious.
10 days..

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