Monday, May 9, 2011

Green Dress Challenge (Month 2)

I have been cheating on this diet A LOT.

I've been eating Chili's wayyy too much and last night I even had Carl's JR!!!!!! sooooo distgusting.

So in an effort the jump start month #2 of this life-change, Maegan and I have decided to do the Master Cleanse for a week. The Master Cleanse is a drink that you drink twice a day and lots and lots of water in between. It's a mix of fresh squeezed lemon juice, ceyenne pepper and pure maple syrup. It keeps you full and completley flushes out your system.

So we are going to do the cleanse for a week, than i'm going back to my diet FULL FORCE!

Cross your fingers for me, this is going to be tough.

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