Monday, December 10, 2012

oh hey, it's Christmas time!

With how crazy I've been working on non-related Christmas projects, I kinda forget that Christmas is in 15 days! Crazy talk... so in the spirit of me trying to get in the spirit... here ya go! = ]
Merry Christmas


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Maybe I just started work on "Legally Blonde"!
Maybe I am crazy excited about the role i'll be playing. I'm Serena! (Watch this video, she's the cheerleader with sunglasses on her head.. she's the second one that sings!)
Maybe this is the first time I've worked on 2 full blown productions at the same time.. "Spamalot" runs til December 23rd! We have 12 more shows! (Thank goodness! I am no where near ready to be done with this show!)
Maybe I am so happy with everything that's been happening with Pac Rep and my theatre career. 
Maybe I have a lot of decisions to be making soon.
Maybe I just want to focus on the holidays and these shows and think about these decisions after "Legally Blonde" closes. 
Maybe, regardless of what's been happening at work it doesn't really feel like Christmas is in 20 days. 
Maybe I've been trying harder to talk to Amanda (Jacobson), Amanda (Massingale), and Maegan more... usually when I am this busy it's hard for me to keep in touch with people.

Maybe I'm overjoyed and feel so blessed to be a part of these projects and to have a job that I really love,
Maybe it was nice to have a day off of work (where I wasn't sick) and could sleep in and get a lot of cleaning and laundry done. 
Maybe it's time to drink some tea and get ready for rehearsal!... = ]


Monday, December 3, 2012

Who's Clayton??

This week at the Golden Bough we had a benefit concert for the beautiful Camila on Monday and Tuesday night. There was music, friends, wine, auctions, dancing and laughter. It was an amazing experience. One of the acts that performed were two friends of Camila that she knows from Cal State Fullerton... they are in a band called "Who's Clayton"... little did I know what these boys had in store for us... they were brilliant.. 
Team de la Llata!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

"look at you reaching for the stars.." -stephen moorer

Recently blogging has been a thing that happens rarely, when I can find time and when I'm not trying to catch up on rest... but it's all for good reason. I have been working everyday, promotions are great, attending a two night benefit concert for a sweet friend (more on that later) and doing a show every Thursday-Sunday night.. it's called SPAMALOT and let me tell you, you want to see it! 
This show has been a blessed experience. I have been able to work with some of the most talented, genuine people I have every encountered and I feel so very lucky to be a part of this cast. There have been articles, commercials and talk around the towns of this show and I have to say, if you haven't seen you, you want to. We have all worked so hard and it shows in the product. I can't wait to work on my next project..... Legally Blonde, here I come.. ;)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sunday November 11th!!

Calling all ladies!!! This weekend (Sunday) at my work, Victoria's Secret Del Monte, we are having a....
It will be held after the store closes and will be for PINK NATION MEMBERS ONLY!!
There will be a DJ, raffles for some awesome prizes and discounts like $15 off a $75 purchase and $25 off of $10 with panties on sale for 7 for $26!! (and you can shop the entire store!!) There will be brand new merchandise so this will be an awesome kick start to your holiday shopping!!
Tell your friends and come hang out with us!

Click on the link below to get the official invite!

You're gunna want to be there!!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Camila's Cure!

It's been some time since I found out that my beautiful friend Camila was diagnosed with acute myloid leukemia. For a while, I couldn't really wrap my mind around it... I mean, she's 22 and she's perfect... until I was able to see her in the hospital, visit with her, and later spend more time with her once she was home for a bit. This lady has been a dear dear friend of mine for about 4 years now and I couldn't imagine life without her. I met her doing theater here in Monterey and we became very close through the experiences (she's taught me well). 
My prayers have been going out to her daily and now my mom has been holding donor drives and recruiting as many people as possible to be her possible bone marrow donor! 
Please pray for her healing and that we find her a match. She has kept her spirits and hopes high and we are all doing the same! 
Go to  Be The Match! (that's her direct link) to sign up and hopefully be her match! Her donor needs to be between the ages of 18-44 and a bi-racial mix of Mexican and Caucasian. 
 (Below: Camila and I on a recent trip to Tahoe! My family had planned a trip while she had coincidentally planned a trip with friends at the same time, for the same side of the lake, and we were staying in cabins 2 blocks from each other! Let's just say it was a great trip!)
 (Below: Camila and I in a production of RENT that we did at MPC! She played Mimi and if you know the show you know how amazing that is! That summer changed my life!)
 (Below: Camila, Casey and I after a show!)
 (Below: Camila, me and our other great friend Tara, at a New Year's Eve celebration at a local theatre!)
 (Below: Camila, Tara and I on our weekend trip to San Francisco for Camila's 21st birthday! That was a good time, let me tell you!)
This girl is my partner in crime! I love her so much and she has taught me so much about living! I pray for her health and strength every day. I want this girl back to being healthy so she can get back to her life as it should  be... on stage, singing and dancing and reeking havoc with me whenever we can find the chance! 

Team De La Llata!!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25th

Happy Birthday Maegan!!
Today is this lady's birthday! She is all the way over in Thailand right now so technically, for her, it was her birthday yesterday. But for me it's her day today, miss you lady! Wish I could celebrate with you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


this is another gem i stumbled upon online. 
if you haven't seen it, take some time and do it.. it made my heart smile. 


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Where do I begin?

It's been a while. (I will catch you up in several blog posts).
There's been so much going on.
Cheer, work, rehearsals (more on that later)... Casey visiting from Florida for a weekend.
Me going to LA to visit with Maegan before she left on her adventures in Thailand.
Everyday I've been working, going to practice, then rehearsal, then home.
Don't see too much of my family during the week... they are gone before I get up (or I only see them briefly on my way off to work), and they are already asleep once I'm home.
There's been a lot going on in my head... thoughts on life, my future, my life currently, ect. (more on that later).
But for now.. I'm sitting here, giving you the reader's digest, while I chat with my hammock dwelling friend in Thailand. = ]
(the fam at our usual Friday night football games!)

Monday, October 1, 2012


the Toro Bulls won 1st Place in our division at our competition!!
..which ALSO means we qualified for Nationals that will be happening at Disneyland in March!

These girls had energy and enthusiasm like I had never seen from them (and let me tell you, it was starting to worry me).. and when our music turned off about 3/4th's of the way through our routine and Maria and I had to yell their counts at them for the rest of the routine they recovered beautifully and the rest of the routine was just as good as the part they did with music. I was so proud I can't even tell you. 

This experience has been so rewarding. 
I have put a lot of time and energy into this and what's even better than seeing it all pay off is seeing the faces on my girls faces when they found out they won!

Happy 1st of October!!


Monday, September 24, 2012

it's a plan.

project happiness!

(one of my wine purchases today from Trader Joe's.. and yes, there is a big yellow smiley fact on the front of the bottle).

Today has been a very happy day.
I'm sitting here with my glass of wine, watching Monday night football (GO PACKERS!), catching up on some blogging and reflecting on my day.

This morning I had a good day at work, it was slow, but good things happened!
After work I went over to the bank where I was able to set up a nice little (working on making it bigger) savings account and was approved for my first full-blown credit card!
Following my trip to the bank, I stopped by Trader Joe's, which is quite possibly my favorite grocery store ever, and picked up some wine, brie and crackers.. can you say yum??
On the way home I was able to talk to my precious friend Keifer who I miss dearly..
and found out once I was home that I passed the CBEST (the test you have to pass to start substitute teaching)!!! Yeahhh me!!

I'm happy.
Today has been a good day to start off this week.
If you have time, check out this lady's blog...
She is absolutely beautiful, has such a sunny spirit and truly inspires me.

Happy Monday!!
(pray for peace).


a few lists.

I'm greatful for...
-fall. (football, scarfs, boots, rain).
-the fact that i am able to go to work at a job that i know and love with people that i love. 
-being able to choreograph and teach 13 wonderful little girls as their cheer coach.
-the wonderful, amazing, beautiful, generous friends and people i have in my life (no matter how far away we live from each other). 
-the excitement i have inside my heart to be starting work on a new musical project, October 1st. 
-my good friend Camila, this sweet lady spent 45 days in the hospital figuring out a problem with some leukemia, and yesterday she was released from the hospital! 
-the awareness i gained today of what we, as wealthy Americans and Christians, can be doing to help 'the poorest of the poor' gain healing and jobs in other countries (and got some really cute stuff in the process). 

I'm bumming because...
-i don't live with my sister anymore (i know it's been 2 months... but i'm still bitter about it).
-i don't have my own space. I know how lucky i am to be living rent-free.. but i'm anxious (and trying to be patient while waiting) for that time when i can journey off on my own, hopefully to San Francisco ;) , living my life. 
-i feel like i am no longer surrounded by the strong, close friends i was surrounded by at school. i mean, shoot, maegan and i lived together and Keifer was just 3 doors down.. and i had all my Greek system friends, and theatre people! i was truly surrounded, and it was fabulous... and i don't feel like i have that here. 

I'm praying for...
-peace. lately i've been struggling with this. i've been having some mood swing issues and i've been pretty irritable and i don't like it at all. i can tell when i'm doing it and i don't like it. 
-guidance. i need God to show me my next step and show me what he is doing with me in my 'waiting.' 
-healing and acceptance. i have not been doing well with accepting all of the changes that have been happening in my life (not living with Maegan, therefore living at home, Amanda getting married and moving.. Camila getting sick)... 
-my husband. i have no idea who this man is... i don't know if i know him, or not.. i have no idea when he will come into my life or what he will even look life.. but i know that God has been preparing him for me and me for him, our whole lives.. i pray for the time that he will come into my life and change it forever. i am extremely exciting for this. 

thought upon thoughts.
keep peace..


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


It's become apparent to me that I need to find peace again in my life.  
Things lately been a little ever changing, starting with graduation back in May!... and it's been really weird and hard. I've never done very well with change. Here's to focusing on simplifying and regaining my peace!
Psalm 29:11 "The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." 
Psalms 34:14 " peace and pursue it."
"It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it." -Eleanor Roosevelt 

Keep peace in your hearts. 
Happy Wednesday lovelies. 


Sunday, September 16, 2012


Lately I've been feeling a little like this...

I miss living with my sister.
I miss having my own space.
I miss my best friend.

I want to make money.
I want to travel.
I want to do theatre.
I want to get my credentials.
I want to move to San Francisco with Maegan.
 (this lovely, Russie, is moving up to the city today! I want to go with her.)
I've had the pleasure of working with Russie for the past few years and I've loved our time together at work... and outside of work :) I am going to miss her so. 

Because I've been feeling so funky I decided to do a short "happy list" to brighten things up...

My girls. Being a cheer coach has been great. I love these little girls.
My  job. I get to go to work, spend time with people I love and sell I product I'm obsessed with, I'm lucky.
Theatre. I am beyond excited to be starting work on another show! It's been far too long since I've been on stage. I can't wait to dance again!
It's starting to feel like fall and I am sooo looking forward to this season.
annnd... Football!! as silly as it sounds I have been watching a ton of football and it makes me so happy. 

are you having a good weekend lovelies?
tell me about it.


Friday, September 14, 2012

I can't wait to fall in love.

Do yourself a favor and watch that link..
Fair warning, you will cry. 

love is all you need.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I found this precious video of Kris Allen singing "God Bless the USA" at a special Memorial Day celebration and I decided to share it in honor of today. 

Eleven years ago our country was changed forever. 
I heard an army wife today talking on the radio about how September 11, 2001 effected her life. Through some tears she went on to say, "I am thankful for what September 11th was because without it we wouldn't have had September 12th.." That was really wise to me. She was recognizing the tragedy of that day with the further realization that without it we wouldn't have come together with such strength and pride as a country. I thought that was really cool.

Where were you on 9/11/01? Hold old were you? What did you feel?
Never forgotten. 
God bless. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Wake you up in the middle of the night...

that is all.


Sometimes I like to think my soul looks a little like this.
When I take naps, no matter what time it is, I change back into my pj's. 
I'm a whiskey and beer drinking kinda gal.
One day, I want to marry my best friend.
I want my job to require me to wear a rehearsal skirt and character shoes everyday to the "office."
Without music.... or theatre..... or dance.... I don't know who I'd be.
Michael Buble. Andy Grammer. Jason Aldean. (3 men that can always make my day better).
 I can't watch Titanic with anyone other than Maegan.
If I could have 4 tattoos I would.
I watch a lot of TLC.
I'm younger in my head than I am in real-life. 
I want to adventure, to see things, to experience things, to learn things. 

countdown to Fall!

It is 12 days until the official first day of Fall and it would be an understatement to say I'm excited! 
Things like the picture above (Fall magazines, apple things and Fall scented candles) are starting to pop up around my house and I am loving it!
I have been surrounding myself by as much football as possible (high school football, pop-warner football and NFL football!) I'm kind of obsessed. 
Needless to say, I am very excited for this next season to approach!! 

Happy Monday!

Monday, September 3, 2012


Dear Maegan, 
Thank you for coming to see me this weekend. I needed that.

Dear weekend,
I'm really happy I was able to have you off from work.

Dear San Francisco,
You are fantastic. It was so great to show you to Maegan for the first time... living in (or around) your city is a definite goal for the near future. 

Dear Camila,
I loved that I was able to visit you this weekend. You are beautiful and strong and I am praying every day for fast healing and recovery of your body! (Can't wait for us to be able to get back to some shenanigans). 

Dear toe,
I know I hurt you really bad at work... but I would really like you to heal so I can put you back in a shoe and start running again. 

Dear competition choreography,
You are proving yourself to be a tad more difficult than I thought you would be... ok, who am I kidding.. I knew this was going to be a challenge! (but I'm enjoying trying to figure it all out).

Dear apartment (Box 2.0),
Boy do I miss you... 
and the space (my own space) that you gave me... I need that back.

That is all... for now.

Friday, August 24, 2012

something magical.

As much as "Titanic" is considered a super chick-flick, it has also become one of the most classic love stories of our generation. I love this movie; Maegan and I went and saw it in 3D when it was re-released and it was a life-changing experience. This is seriously a brilliant film. James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are are all timeless. 

Another thing in my life that has grown to really inspire my heart is dance. Dance has been a huge part of my life and because of that... I love the show "So You Think You Can Dance," that show has brought me to tears and made my heart smile so hard over the routines that have been created on this show.  
I stumbled across this piece and it blew me away.
It is a piece where the love story from the "Titanic" is danced to the song by the Righteous Brothers, "Unchained Melody." 
The things that happen in this piece are something magical. The passion that pours out in the movement and through the music is unreal. The emotions that are personified in this piece are like something out of a perfect dream. This is way too brilliant; Travis Wall (the choreographer) is an insanely talented man. 
Do yourself a favor and watch this!


Monday, August 20, 2012


On Saturday, August 18th, 2012 
my beautiful best friend Amanda Mann became Mrs. Amanda Massingale when she married her best friend James Massingale. I was lucky enough to be a bridesmaid, stand behind her and make a speech at the reception... it was a very special day. On Wednesday the newlyweds will be driving across country to their new home together in North Carolina and I am crazy sad. This is going to set us on a new journey as grown-up best friends... my best friend has a husband! That is so crazy!! Here are some pictures from this incredible day...
 The first kiss. 
 After the ceremony. 
 Cutting the cake.
 The bridesmaids; (from left to right) me, Candace, Cassie, Rebecca, Sarah and Rachel. 
The bride and I at the reception!


Monday, July 30, 2012


I'm 23!
I feel a little weird about it, but I'm excited!
It's going to be a great year. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

*deep breath*

I don't really know how much or what I really want to say about this...
but I'm moving home from LA this week and I'm actually a little devastated. 

The biggest thing... the thing that's kept me near tears all week is the fact that I'm moving away from Maegan, and won't be living with her anymore. This girl is my sister.. my other-half, my partner-in-crime.. I'm her biggest fan... I love this girl so much. I don't think I can say much else... except I could not have been blessed with a better roommate.. and if I could... I'd probably live with her for another good 10 years or so.. *big sigh* *deep breath*... this is going to be really hard.