Monday, January 30, 2012

the good 'ol 90's

Remember this? I had said that over Christmas break I wanted to start watching old movies. Those classic chick flicks that girls are always watching.. in chick flicks. Well my Grandma gave me "Gone with the Wind" for Christmas, which fits right into this category, but I haven't been able to dedicate enough time to watching it yet. But two movies that I did watch over break (that believe it or not, I had not seen before) were "You've Got Mail" (1998) and "Father of the Bride" (1991). Ok, I know these aren't thhhhatt old, but 1991 is the year my younger brother was born and he's 20, so that's a little old, right? Anyway, these are both brilliant 90's chick flicks that I watched with the Mann girls (my best friend and her sisters) over break and they were shocked that I hadn't seem them. I loved them, they were both absolutley adorable movies and it made me wish we had never advanced passed the 90's (and good 'ol dial-up internet). Who doesn't miss having to get off the internet because their parents were waiting on an important phone call? Gotta love it.

I will get to more of these types of movies in good time. I love them, I really do, I just need someone to sit down and watch them with me!

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