Sunday, January 8, 2012

i'm not that girl.

You know those girls that always look flawless, that act super proper, don't act like their real selves around guys (or a guy they like).. those girls who wouldn't dream of going outside without make-up? Those girls?.. I'm not that girl. It's become more and more apparent to me that the person I am is very... eccentric. I'm very loud.. I laugh very loud, I talk very loud, like people-can-hear-me-before-I-enter-a-room kinda loud. I don't think I need to be wearing a full face of make-up 100% of the time, I'm very sarcastic and I joke around a lot.. I have no problem walking up to someone I don't know and starting a conversation with them.. I'm a country girl, a sorority girl, a former cheerleader, a dancer (ballerina), a hippie, and a Christian. I'm selfish and sarcastic, I'm a listener and a giver.. I'm a rebel and an instigator and I'm selfless and compassionate. I'm a complicated girl... but I think life is way more fun like this. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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