Monday, January 30, 2012

Three. (i'll explain)


Ok. Yes, this "Psalm A Day" challenge was supposed to be a Psalm a day, but things have been absolutely insane since the best friend and I decided to start this. Since Day 2 I have had to finish an online class (which because of all the Christmas festivities I was very behind on), I was working my last few shifts of my break, was spending as much time with Amanda Noel and her family (and fiance) as possible before I had to go back to school, then I had to pack my life into bags and go back to LA. I have completed my first week of my last semester of college and things are looking like they will work out accordingly but it is going to be a challenge. So here I am, home again, (it was the best friends Engagement party so I came home for the weekend), and I am here to tell you that rather than putting Psalms 3-20 (or so, I think that's what day I should be on) into one post, I am just going to pick up on day three and go forth on this challenge.

1) What does it say?

2) What does it mean?
Verse 1-4 says this, "O Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, 'God will not deliver him. But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from him holy hill." This is coming from King David, who at the time this was written, was running from his son Absalom and the army he had formed to kill him. David was scared, feeling like the minority, and fearing his life. So...

3) What does it mean to me?
When I first read this chapter I didn't know it's context. I didn't know that story of what was going on with King David at the time this was written, so I will tell you what it means to me out of context (and even within it's context, really). "How many rise up against me! Many are saying of you, 'God will not deliver him. But you are a shield around me..." There are times that as a Christian, I feel like the minority, I feel like if I am LOUD about who I am as a Christian, people will judge me, scrutinize me every action, and think of me differently. I feel as though the people who aren't on "my side" are against me. It's like they are actually saying "God will not deliver you;" but I know, for a fact, and have experienced God's deliverence. I should know that I should be able to walk up to any person I ever meet and say "Hi, I'm Corinne and I'm a Christian." Ok, maybe I shouldn't just say that, that'd be a little socially awkward, but I shouldn't be scared too, that's what God calls us to do and we need to know that he will be a shield around us. He is our #1 cheerleader and our #1 fan.

Ok, I'm back at this challenge, so tomorrow, I will post Psalm 4. Happy Monday!

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