Friday, January 13, 2012

day dreamin'

Back in June I posted this entry to my little blog, and although I was in a very different place in my life at the time, those are all still things I think about a lot. Lately with all of the wedding talk that has been going on (we are going with Amanda tomorrow to look for her dress), I've been thinking a lot about what my future husband and wedding will be like... 
 but more than that, I've been thinking about my future family and life. Amanda has been babysitting quite a bit lately and on a few different occasions I joined her, and let me tell you, between that, and watching the newest seasons of one of my favorite shows, "Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood," I cannot wait to have a family. 
When I think about (or daydream, rather) about what I picture my future life and family and home to be like, I think of a few things that I want... I want my home to be filled with God's love, with lightheartedness and fun spirits, I want to be able to play with my babies and my husband and watch Disney movies, I want my home to be filled with open arms, with music (being played on our own, and on the radio), with singing and dancing, with games, with family and friends. I want every Sunday to consist of church, going out or making lunch for my family and football (during football season that is) and lots of relaxing time together as we prepare for the next week. I want to be my husband and my kids best friend, and I honestly can't wait! 

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