Sunday, June 3, 2012

{disclaimer: this may come off a little jumbled}

Since graduation and having a little bit of time off (and I mean real time off, like going days without having anything I'm needing to do), I've been getting a lot of good thinking time in. I've been thinking about what just happened in my life, I've been thinking about the heavy "now what?" or "what's next?" question, and the question I've been becoming more sure of, "who am I?" 
Another thing I've been thinking about a lot lately is relationships. I have two amazing woman that are very close to me that will be heading down the aisle this summer (one in July and one in August) and it's coming up quick! I am so happy for both of them. Through them, and talking to my roommate a lot about all this, I've come to the conclusion...

I'm not ready.

I'm not ready for a relationship. I don't even really want one. (Granted, I know he will show up in my life when God wants him to regardless of my plan). But I'm excited for that time, whenever that may be. I look forward to it, I really do. I have a picture in my mind of what it will look like, the relationship that is, I have no idea about the guy! But for now, I am far too content being single. 
I love the things that are happening for me! I'm learning who I am, and who I want to be, and what I'm going to do to make that person real. 
Talking with my roommate as much as I have has really changed how I think about dating. She has taught me so much. She is really the person who has made me realize how great it is to be single and free. She's always looking out for me, I really appreciate her. 

(this song is from the season finale of "Glee" from this week; from this song I obtained the quote, "I gotta have roots, before branches. To know who I am, before I know who I want to be." I love it so much.)

That is all. 

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