Tuesday, June 5, 2012

a Tuesday happy list & a promise.

(my little lettuce growing town)
today I had both of my classes and after class I am heading on an adventure. 
here's a happy list for the day...
1. going to Pismo Beach with my Little, Amanda, tonight.
2. going home tomorrow (for 4 days)!
3. having some mellow time between classes with Mae.
4. knowing i'm going to get to spend some time in the beautiful Monterey in the next few days.
5. getting a phone call from my manager at Victoria's Secret in Monterey asking me when I will be coming back! (it feels good to be a valued employee).
6. getting to be home for tiny brother's (or the not so tiny Cameron's) 8th grade graduation.
 (the beautiful Monterey)

and here's my promise. I've come to realize lately that Kim Kardashian and I have a similar body type (lots of woman curves) but she is still able to have toned arms and a flat stomach...
so... with her body type as an inspiration I promise to give myself the body I've always wanted (diet and getting my butt moving) as soon as possible so that I can frolic around in a bathing suit and love my body (because bathing suits aren't exactly my friend right now). I promise.

That is all.
Happy Tuesday. 

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