Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy 21st & 14th Birthday Brothers!!

Today is Casey Daniel and Cameron James's birthday's!!! Casey is finally 21 and Cameron is having his golden birthday, turning 14 on the 14th! I love these boy (or men? i don't know)... they are the best brothers a girl could ask for... (is it weird that i'm secretly glad i don't have sisters?)
Casey had been had his private pilot's license for almost 2 years now and just finished his first year at Embrie-Riddle Aeronautical University (after finishing at MPC) and just passed his instrument rating test; which basically means that he can fly a plane without ever looking outside it... Crazy right?! He will be returning to Daytona, Florida in the fall to finish his schooling.
Cameron just graduated from 8th grade and received 4 awards for academic achievement for his time in middle school. One was a principle award and another was for maintaining a 3.8-3.9 GPA for all three years, and I'm not sure what the other two were but... impressive right? He's going to Salinas High (the school Casey and I have bother graduated from) in the fall and I could not be more excited for the things he has ahead of him. 
I love these boys. 

Happy Birthday Brothers.

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