Tuesday, June 19, 2012

diet attempt # (idk) 2.. (maybe 3)?

remember this? or this? or this?
last spring I was determined to lose some weight, and I did... for a bit.
and I also, as a New Years resolution, said again, that I would get more exercise
and lose weight (and keep it off)... well, let's just say I'm happy there is still a little more than 6 months left in 2012. It is officially time to do this.
So, here's how this is going to happen...
I have given myself a strict diet 'plan.'

Here it is:
- no carbs after 11am
- fruits, veggies, lean meats (fish/chicken) only
- limited, to no, dairy
- can only drink coffee and water
- no eating after 9:30pm (bedtime by 12). 

ok, that's it.. and I am going to start off by challenging myself to do this between now and my first wedding of the summer (July 8th), and I know that's not a huge chunk of time to start off with, but I need to start somewhere. I hope to keep this as general diet guidelines for my life from now on.
I have enlisted the help of my best friend to keep me on track with this.. thank goodness for her.

as far as working out... I'm struggling to get my body moving... and until I move home in August (and can go back to my home gym Mon-Thur), I'm not really sure what I'm going to do until then... I'll keep you posted... 
I have really been struggling with this, so this is going to be a challenge... here we go...

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