Thursday, June 21, 2012

a few random thoughts.

Today is a new day (like every other "today").

You know you're getting ready to be a cheer coach when you run around through out your day trying to think up 8 counts in your head. (I am way too excited for football season). 

When your default "wardrobe" is yoga pants and some sort of Greek life t-shirt... it may be time for an update. 
(If I want to be cozy... skinny jeans, and this on top would be better than what I wear now!)
I am constantly thinking about how as soon as I move home in the fall I will be working out (at my wonderful home gym) and having cheer practice Monday-Thursday and that by Christmas I will have the body I want.
I can't wait to get back to working (as much as possible) at VS!

My parents' 25th wedding anniversary is coming up in a few days and when I asked them if it felt like 25 years, my mom said "no" and my dad said... "If you're doing it right you don't think about that stuff, so no." Such a smart man. 
This weekend I'm going to Palm Springs with 5 other girls for (the first) Amanda's bachelorette weekend! On Saturday we are going to a water park and I am so excited! I love water parks. 
I enjoy getting a friendly smile from a stranger when I walk down a hallway at school, I think everyone should be kind to passers-by, a smile can brighten someones day.

Pinterest  is really getting me excited about making some real changes to my bedroom once I move home!
I am very excited to be dancing and playing (in an empty dance room!!!) with one of my sorority sisters tonight!

Happy Thursday!

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