Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I will.

Sunday night was the 66th Tony Awards!
Being that I have the passion that I have for theatre, when I watch the Tony's, this is the only award show I can watch that squeezes my heart and makes me want to cry. I watched the entire show with my cousin, talking to her about how I will be there one day... day-dreaming about how one day I will have the words "Tony Award Nominee" or "Tony Award Winner" attached to my name.. whether it be for a play or a musical.. for a featured actress or a lead role.
 I periodically talk to my good friend Mike (a working actor in LA that once did a show with, he kind of adopted me and I really look up to) when I need advice or encouragement on this subject. I asked him on Sunday night if it was too late for me? (I've been conditioned by the Britney's and the Justin's of my generation to think that if I haven't made it by age 15, it's too late) His response... this secret, "in our industry, doing this thing called theatre, it's never too late." 
My plan? Not exactly sure... except, I know my passion, I know my abilities and capabilities, and I know what I want. I will do what I need to do to make it, and I will. Maybe i'll move to New York? ; )

Here was the hilarious (and very true) opening host number by Neil Patrick Harris!

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