Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 10


: friends.

Today I am thankful for friends. All of my friends. But specifically, I am thankful for the idea of friends from different parts of my life coming together and all being friends! This last weekend I went to Vegas with Maegan and a bunch of her best friends from home and we all got along great! They all welcomed me into their little group with open arms, and not once did I feel like I didn't belong.

Now this weekend Amanda Noel is here and I love that her and Maegan totally get along like they've known eachother forever; and it's not just with Maegan! All of my friends here at school know and love Amanda (and they are the same way with Maegan's best friend Melody). I am very thankful that all of my friends (from home, school, or otherwise) are all so great and can all be friends with eachother. I love it.

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