Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 days of Thankfulness (Day 1)


It's November! It's November!

It's November, and for me that means that the holiday season is very quickly approaching. In 23 days exactly, it will be Thanksgiving and my brother will be here! (He's in Florida for school, remember this?) I am very very excited. Being that Thanksgiving is coming up, Amanda Noel and I decided that we wanted to do some sort of blogging challenge for the month, so here it is... 30 days of thankfulness. We will be posting a blog a day, each with something different that we are thankful for. The "button" at the top of the screen will take you to all of our posts if you click on it. Here we go..

Day 1: My family.
Anytime someone asks me what I am thankful for, the first thing that comes to mind is my family. I have the most amazing family in the world. My parents have been married for 25 years this coming June, and they are adorable. They have given me the greatest example of what a marriage should be. My whole family is always supportive, helpful, involved (so so involved), and hilarious. I crack up so much at my dad and my brothers its ridiculous. Every single day I am thankful for the family I have. I am so blessed. At times I compare my life, with my family, to that of others, and it's mind boggling how lucky I am. We are all so healthy, and all quite close. My parents and my brothers are my favorite people in this world. I cannot wait for the time I am going to get with all of them this holiday season.

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